Many businesses are unaware of the extensive range of support services, initiatives and funding opportunities available to them.
Planning permission may be required for a wide variety of development, whether it be new building works or changes in the use of land or buildings. The Strategic Planning service is responsible for guiding future development in Trafford and prepares, monitors and reviews a number of plans and strategies that provide the planning framework for residential, business, retail, leisure, community, cultural and tourism development.
The Council provides a comprehensive pre-application advice service for businesses. Providing quality advice to developers and applicants about the acceptability of their proposals prior to the submission of a planning application can be critically important for both applicants and the Council, as it provides the opportunity to gain a clear understanding of the objectives of, constraints on and likely acceptability of development proposals. It is of particular importance for major developments in the Borough and for significant investments in and by Trafford businesses which can help fulfil the Council’s ambitions for the Borough.
You can visit the following pages to find out more information: